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Inox R308L-17 3,2x350mm (19/9) Elga Cromarod 308L(3kg/cs.,135db/doboz)

8.760 Ft (6.898 Ft + ÁFA)
Legkisebb rendelhető mennyiség: 3!
Nem értékelt
Termék kód: 111E04
Szállítási díj: 3.241 Ft
Várható szállítás: 2025. február 07.
Elérhetőség: 6 kg raktáron
4db vagy az alatti mennyiségnél illetve előrendelhető termékeknél kérem az ár előzetes egyeztetését cégünkkel.
+36/20/227-9253 , +36/30/939-9845
Kedvező árak
Kedvező árak
Gyors kiszállítás
Gyors kiszállítás
8.760 Ft (6.898 Ft + ÁFA)
Legkisebb rendelhető mennyiség: 3!


Rozsdamentes, inox és saválló acélhoz

Anyaga: Cr 20%, Ni: 10%, Mn 0,7%, Si 0,8%, C 0,02%

Svéd termék

Cromarod 308L is a rutile flux coated AC/DC electrode designed for the welding of low carbon 18%Cr
/ 10%Ni, type 304L, austenitic stainless steels. Operability is excellent with a low spatter arc
producing a smooth weld bead surface and self-releasing slag. The electrode is all-positional up to
and including 3.2 mm diameter. Cromarod 308L is also suitable for welding stainless steel grade 304
material, as well as Nb or Ti stabilised grades 347 and 321, when resistance to corrosion is primarily
required. For structural applications at temperatures above 400 °C, Cromarod 308H is recommended
because of its superior strength at elevated temperatures.


Rozsdamentes, inox és saválló acélhoz

Anyaga: Cr 20%, Ni: 10%, Mn 0,7%, Si 0,8%, C 0,02%

Svéd termék

Cromarod 308L is a rutile flux coated AC/DC electrode designed for the welding of low carbon 18%Cr
/ 10%Ni, type 304L, austenitic stainless steels. Operability is excellent with a low spatter arc
producing a smooth weld bead surface and self-releasing slag. The electrode is all-positional up to
and including 3.2 mm diameter. Cromarod 308L is also suitable for welding stainless steel grade 304
material, as well as Nb or Ti stabilised grades 347 and 321, when resistance to corrosion is primarily
required. For structural applications at temperatures above 400 °C, Cromarod 308H is recommended
because of its superior strength at elevated temperatures.


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