Cromarod 309 MoL E 23 12 2 LR 32 E 309 MoL – 17 Rp 0,2%: 555 MPa Rm: 680 MPa A5: 33% CV: -20 ° C · 50 J 2,00 – 5,00 mm 300-450 mm
Cromarod 309MoL is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 23% Cr / 12%Ni / 2.5%Mo
austenitic stainless steel weld metal. The high alloy content and ferrite level enable the weld metal to
tolerate dilution from dissimilar and difficult-to-weld materials without hot cracking or brittle structures.
– Dissimilar joints between stainless and mild, low alloy or medium carbon steels.
– Buffer layers on mild and low alloy steels prior to overlaying with Cromarod 316L.
– Interface runs in 316L clad steels.
– Joining of medium carbon hardenable steels e.g. armour plate.
Cromarod 309 MoL E 23 12 2 LR 32 E 309 MoL – 17 Rp 0,2%: 555 MPa Rm: 680 MPa A5: 33% CV: -20 ° C · 50 J 2,00 – 5,00 mm 300-450 mm
Cromarod 309MoL is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 23% Cr / 12%Ni / 2.5%Mo
austenitic stainless steel weld metal. The high alloy content and ferrite level enable the weld metal to
tolerate dilution from dissimilar and difficult-to-weld materials without hot cracking or brittle structures.
– Dissimilar joints between stainless and mild, low alloy or medium carbon steels.
– Buffer layers on mild and low alloy steels prior to overlaying with Cromarod 316L.
– Interface runs in 316L clad steels.
– Joining of medium carbon hardenable steels e.g. armour plate.