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Miller MAXSTAR 400 ipari AVI-TIG hegesztő áramforrás (AUTO-LINE 380-575) CE- egyenáramú 907716002

Miller Electric
3.021.863 Ft (2.379.420 Ft + ÁFA)
Nem értékelt
Termék kód: 131I34
Szállítási díj: 16.563 Ft
Várható szállítás: 2025. március 20.
Elérhetőség: Előrendelhető
4db vagy az alatti mennyiségnél illetve előrendelhető termékeknél kérem az ár előzetes egyeztetését cégünkkel.
+36/20/227-9253 , +36/30/939-9845
Kedvező árak
Kedvező árak
Gyors kiszállítás
Gyors kiszállítás
3.021.863 Ft (2.379.420 Ft + ÁFA)


Input Power 380–575 V, 3-phase power
Amperage Range 400: 3–400 A
Rated Output 400: 300 A at 32 V, 60% duty cycle

Net Weight 400: 61 kg (134 lb.)
Allows for any input voltage
hookup (380–575 V) with
no manual linking, providing
convenience in any job setting.
Ideal solution for dirty or
unreliable power.
Meter calibration allows
digital meters to be calibrated
for certification.
Cooler Power Supply (CPS)
is an integrated 120-volt
dedicated-use receptacle
for the Coolmate™ 3.5.
Cooler-On-Demand™ feature
operates the auxiliary cooling
system only when needed,
reducing noise, energy use,
and airborne contaminants
pulled through the cooler.
Wind Tunnel Technology™
protects internal electrical
components from airborne
contaminants, extending the
product life.
Fan-On-Demand™ power
source cooling system
operates only when needed,
reducing noise, energy
use and the amount of
contaminants pulled though
the machine.
Lift-Arc™ provides DC arc
initiation without the use of
high frequency.
Blue Lightning™ high-frequency
(HF) arc starter for non-contact
arc initiation. Provides more
consistent arc starts and
greater reliability compared
to traditional HF arc starters.

Az AutoLine üzemmód lehetővé tesz a berendezés üzemeltetését egy és három fázisú hálózatról is.


  • Input Power 380–575 V, 3-phase power
  • Amperage Range 400: 3–400 A
  • Rated Output 400: 300 A at 32 V, 60% duty cycle
  • Net Weight 400: 61 kg (134 lb.)

Allows for any input voltage hookup (380–575 V) with no manual linking, providing convenience in any job setting.

Ideal solution for dirty or unreliable power. Meter calibration allows digital meters to be calibrated for certification.

Cooler Power Supply (CPS) is an integrated 120-volt dedicated-use receptacle for the Coolmate™ 3.5. Cooler-On-Demand™ feature operates the auxiliary cooling system only when needed, reducing noise, energy use, and airborne contaminants pulled through the cooler.

Wind Tunnel Technology™ protects internal electrical components from airborne contaminants, extending the product life.

Fan-On-Demand™ power source cooling system operates only when needed, reducing noise, energy use and the amount of contaminants pulled though the machine.

Lift-Arc™ provides DC arc initiation without the use of high frequency. Blue Lightning™ high-frequency (HF) arc starter for non-contact arc initiation. Provides more consistent arc starts and greater reliability compared to traditional HF arc starters.

Az AutoLine üzemmód lehetővé tesz a berendezés üzemeltetését egy és három fázisú hálózatról is.


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